The term used to define a person who is idiotic to the extreme.

A congratulatory term given to a person with the n'th degree of stupidity, the maximum dumb ass.

The term has its beginnings in sayings which are followed by the "to the max" or "to the maximum"
You are the dumbassimus maximus! Congratulations you f-ing dill hole!
by Desyre October 24, 2010
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The highest level of "cuntrag" status. Not to be confused with cuntraggius minoris, someone who is still a cuntrag but not nearly as much as someone who is defined as a CUNTRAGGIUS MAXIMUS.

It will often be shortened to "raggius", especially when in use in public.
Dude, that girl at the bar last night who rejected me was a Cuntraggius Maximus.
by Dr. Clitoris November 1, 2010
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(Noun) When an individual, under the influence of marijuana, induces sensory bombardment and exceeds the brain's finite capacity for sensory input. The brain's ability to filter specific negative stimuli is non-operational resulting in a chaotic increase of irrational sensory analyzation. The individual may feel that he/she is at the mercy of the weed, as if poisoned by skewed perceptions of reality.

Frequently caused by inability to achieve Marinationous Maximus. Entailed by excessive visual, auditory, and sensory stimulation.
Stoner 1: Dude, this is way too much. You're dog is plotting against us.

Stoner 2: (Stoner 2 grasps Stoner 1) For the love of God, make this Stimulationous Maximus stop.
by Pi Ups April 26, 2010
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Name of a well known California Marijuana Horticulturist who advanced the concept of blending modern organic additives with "old school" organic processes to grow some of the more potent yet 100% organic product available. His emphasis is on quality, not quantity.
Bud from Maximus Cannabis is always sure to please.
by Maximus Cannabis October 8, 2010
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A series of men circle jerking the "clitoris maximus" after realizing they had actually run into their friend from high school.
Guy 1: Bruhh, is that Eureka?
Guy 2: Down, don't you recognize your friend from high school?
Guy 1: Oh shit I guess I have to do the Circus Maximus.
by lk247 August 9, 2023
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