The practice of smearing someone's name and reputation by publishing it and writing lies and cruel jokes about them.
"This website easily commits libel all the time and is used by kids with too much time on their hands who want to embarass each other."
by Oldpro December 24, 2008
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1). Defamation: a false and malicious published statement that damages somebody's reputation.

2). Damaging one's reputaion.

1). Libel can include pictures and any other representations that have public or permanent form.

2). The making of false and damaging statements about somebody is libel.
by Jafje September 16, 2007
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The most beautiful charming honest precious and beautiful girl in history. Sporty pretty popular and the best daughter in the world. Will soon become famous will live a luxurious life.
Wow that girl is LIT and WOW she has to be a libelle
by my little princess libelle December 20, 2017
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serg-"iv never been libelous before. "
nikki-"that word sounds nice. ;) xoXXXoxOOOOxo"
seg: "iphone."


thats some good dubstep.
by some r0bot October 20, 2011
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Idiom verb To have a bowel movement in an inappropriate location.

Origin: the term originates with pretend-journalist Chuck C. Johnson, known primarily for (1) threatening to sue people for libel, (2) being accused of shitting on the floor, (3) threatening to sue people for libel for referring to him shitting on the floor.
"Taco Bell?"
"No way, man. I'm working a shift tonight and I don't want to sue for libel in the breakroom."

"Dude, call that hot girl from the club!"
"I can't. I got really drunk and when we went back to her place I sued for libel all over her leather couch!"
"Man, you should really consider seeking medical attention about that."
by Ken the Popehat Blogger December 11, 2014
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A generic internet troll that threatens libel lawsuits against those that call them out on their abusive social media behavior despite having no idea how they work nor having the money to file one.
Don't go all Johnny Libel on me just because I called your behavior om the internet out.
by Libertius October 12, 2022
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