4 definitions by Libertius

A Social Conservative who is at odds the current social and political norms in Western Countries. Seeking to regress social progress of the country they live in back to a period before Woman's Rights, LGBTQ Rights, and Civil Rights gains made in the country they live in occurred.

A Social Regressive are ok with the disenfranchment of any social or political forces from having any say in matters of government. Going as far as to except totalitarian regimes in their country as long as such a regime regresses the social changes made in the country back to time that social conservatives deem acceptable, and then proceeding to lock out any opposition groups from being able to change things back. This includes rigging representation in the country's government to not represent any social and political groups that oppose them.

Social Regessives loath people that protest their agenda and are willing to approve of government or private groups using violence to repress groups that oppose their agenda.
The Social Regressive screamed at the School board meeting about how books that contradicted his religious views should be removed from the shelves and burned.
by Libertius February 7, 2022
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An extremist Force Birth idea that a fetus has the same personhood rights of human being, therfore canceling out the personhood rights of the pregnant Woman/girl to make here own individual Healthcare choice of whether or not to carry a pregnancy to full term even if the pregnancy was forced upon them without consent.
"Your Honor, Fetal Personhood doesn't cancel out my clients Personhood right to make her own health decisions" replied Heather who's legal clients was seeking to end her unplanned pregnancy
by Libertius November 11, 2022
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A person who is against a woman's personhood right to make her own health choices regarding family planning regrading a woman’s personal health decisions without their expressed consent of the an individual.

Force birthers consider the alleged rights of a fertilize egg to be more important morally and legally than the individual whom they want to force to bring the pregnancy to full term. Going as far as to interfere in the personhood rights of the pregnant woman in an effort force others to follow their social values and norms on reductive rights.

More Extreme Force Birthers wish to go as far as to eliminate the ability of birth control and other safe sex products due to their objects to sex for reasons outside of procreation.
The Forced Birther got angry at the woman that someone called them out on the fact that they seek to control other people's health decisions
by Libertius May 22, 2022
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A generic internet troll that threatens libel lawsuits against those that call them out on their abusive social media behavior despite having no idea how they work nor having the money to file one.
Don't go all Johnny Libel on me just because I called your behavior om the internet out.
by Libertius October 12, 2022
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