Independent music.
Indies are generally either the best or worst people you'll ever meet.
indie kids do their own thing. They listen to obscure unheard of music because they're different and only think of pleasing themselves with their music taste.

emo kid - have u heard angels and airwaves? they rock
normal kid - um no
emo kid - aw ur a loser i cant even look at you chav

normal kid - hey i got the angels and airwaves album
emo kid - cool ur such an emo

emo kid - have you got the angels and airwaves album?
indie kid - no i prefer the long blondes
**********mutual stare of hatred************
indie - like the long blondes, dirty pretty things, the young knives, the guillemonts, dead disco, the like, the raconteurs, the harrisons etc
by Indiegirl4ever October 30, 2006
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1)A trick done on a: snowboard, wakeboard or skateboard etc.

2) short for indian

3) a type of music
You Jeff wheres the indie.

That fuckin indie smells like curry!

Indie music is tha shittt.
by Sacccait December 27, 2006
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Not the guy that looks like the short-stack drummer. The term "indie" simply means individual, and the people following the 'indie scene' are posers trying too hard.

Indie music consist of bands like Muse, Arctic Monkeys...mainly weird english bands.
-dude, you look like the short-stack drummer!

-nah man, i'm just indie

by July 5, 2010
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music released on an independant label that has now somehow become a rock radio trend. it has developed its own sound. mostly weak vocals backed up by uninteresting repetitive music. lyrics are the usually the strong points in this music but dont make up for the lack of passion and energy.
dont go indie, listen to music that involves more ball stomping
by askogofidifof123 August 19, 2006
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indie is the greatest type of music ever. it is short for independant and is different to other music. `indie` bands normally dont have labels or didnt and know do. new bands are kaiser chiefs and arctic monkeys

indie is also a social group like goths or chav. these are independant and do their own thing.
Poser - im so kool i smoke like all the kool kids
Indie kid - ur a faggot u follow everyone else
by Daniel R. January 12, 2006
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According to the dictionary, 'indie' is an informal version of the word independent.

Although this definition is accurate, the word has come to mean more. For many, it has come to symbolize originality and forward-thinking, especially in music and design.

By this definition, indie is any business or designer that is not associated with a large company. Indie can also define the consumer who chooses to support small business, independent record labels and handmade items rather than shopping at big-box stores.
I can't wait to attend the upcoming fashion show- there will be some great indie designers there and I'm looking for something unique!
by CraftRevolution June 7, 2005
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