pronounced ID Ten T a Computer Techie term for a complete computer idiot which if you write it down becomes idiot
The issue with computer was a ID 10 T problem which when written become idiot
by Esanda 1234 November 8, 2005
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one who posts a definition here on,about a topic they think they know about, but their definition is so fuckin stupid it's a disgrace to the human race
There are hundreds of entries on here. So much for the editors...
by B08z0r3llo August 13, 2005
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A pathetic person who, despite innumerable troubling contraindicators and pesky facts, chooses to trust George W. Bush and his band of extremist, right-wing hystericals, fundamentalist religious zealots, hate mongers, and neo-conservatives to provide pre-digested thoughts and attitudes, rather than to go to the effort of actually thinking for himself or herself. (Probably still believes that Sadam had WMDs, cooperated with Al Qaida, and participated in the 11 Sept attacks.) Perilous if inclined to vote based on the described irrational beliefs. Look for synonyms at: fool, bone-head, lazy-minded, dupe, patsy, etc.
If the sensible, intelligent Republicans will separate themselves from the idiot rabble, and exercise their voting privileges with good conscience, we patriotic American citizens will have the opportunity to turn the page and correct the numerous blunders foisted on the world by the Bush administration.
by JMad August 6, 2004
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Basically a less-harsh insult than saying "YOU DAMN FRIGGIN' MORON!"
by Unknown Personthingy September 22, 2003
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1) Someone who thinks they're making a really important and clever point by defining "atheist" (and "non-creationist", apparently) as synonymous with "idiot".

2) Someone who lacks the intelligence to realise that the truths contained in certain religions are metaphorical, not literal - and that literally-interpreted religion is the biggest example of stupidity in human history.

3) Someone who attempts to back up their argument with a Shakespeare quoatation and gets it wrong - it's "Nothing will come of nothing", nincompoop.
See page 4 of 'idiot' definitions for a PRIME example...
by Some ranter January 30, 2004
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Ev is being such an idiot for scheduling her party on the same day as mine, even though I told her the date mine was going to be.
by i'm so pissed March 24, 2009
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A civillian from the comic strip "The Wizard of Id"
"My fellow Id-iots..."
by Wren Arbuthnot July 31, 2004
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