A gayby is a word used to describe certain men. It does not suggest homosexuality, and is merely a suggestion of a person being a "fool" or an "imbecile".

A well known gayby is Ben Hudson, the person who was the first gayby ever recognised.

Ben Hudson is known as the King-of-the-Gaybys and is the defines the world of gayby.
"That Benny-boy sure is a gayby"
by Bendrew 'aka King' August 1, 2004
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Process of a gay man frothing up his lovers man seed in his mouth until its all foamy, and then letting it ooze out his mouth in a way that makes it look as is he has contracted rabies.
Example A: A man with gaybies attacked me on the street today it was horrifying.

Example B: Sorry Louise I gave your husband gaybies, he's now gay.

Example C: After the horrible gaybies epidemic last year, the streets were left covered in semen.
by hopenheimer April 12, 2014
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a word introduced by Bruno its a baby adoptid by two Gay men
I got this new Gayby he goes great with my handbag
by Honest Defenitions November 14, 2016
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A baby that a gay man fathers when he is in a "straight" "relationship" to cover the fact that he is gay. Gay men often have gaybies with their beard.
Workmate one: Oh my God, did you hear Frank and Ellen had a baby?
Workmate two: Baby? Eh, hello? Gayby, more like.
by Neil O'Connor October 17, 2006
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An infant you can just tell is going to be a homosexual. "flambuoyant"
That little boy says mama with a lisp, so you know its one of those gaybies.
by Bob Tomkins December 14, 2008
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n. a baby conceived between a straight single woman and her best gay male friend.
My biological clock is ticking and I haven't found anyone yet, so I decided to have a gayby with my best friend Josh.
by rainydown November 16, 2008
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