A FIFA card that is highly rated, but not that good, so its most commonly used in a SBC (Squad Building Challenge)
I just packed pique! He’s not great, but he is good fodder!
by ClutchAstros January 25, 2021
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A person treated like a tool meant to die.
"Send the fodders to distract them while we carry our supplies across the river."
by Makamae10 May 10, 2009
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Literal meaning is livestock feed consisting of large and whole pieces of plants such as but not exclusively hay and corn. In popular culture it has taken the meaning of being an easy target, easy prey or just expendable mostly in reference to military actions. "Enemy fodder" is easily beaten (or eaten) by troops or military hardware.
"The contempt for the lives of men and for France herself has come to the point of calling the conscripts 'the raw material' and 'the cannon fodder" - Napoleon Bonaparte
by Hank Hankerson October 17, 2014
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a person thats shit at debating
-you are fodder
-no u bitch
by DarkKage October 4, 2020
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Food. Grub. Chow. Cuisine. Edibles. Nosh. Nourishment.
Got any more of that *DELICIOUS* fodder?
by Incognito December 7, 2003
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or Bantha Fodder. Used to express something foul, as derived from the Star Wars sense.
Also, "bullshit!"; something that is no good, a load of crap or a sketchy place/situation.
An expression.
1: "Mr. Lassiter said the assignment was due today."
2: "That's fodder! He said no such thing!"

"Daawg, this place is pretty fodder...."
by paper snobawlz December 29, 2009
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