The worst case of diarrhea that you could ever have and will be fatal. Having explosive diarrhea is much worse than having appendicitus.
Having explosive diarrhea is much worse than having
by Anonymous September 12, 2003
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To have diarrhea that is so compact and air tight in your anal cavity, that as soon is your buns touch the seat, your asshole explodes like a 12-gauge shotgun and you can hear the cries of 1000 virgins as the shit flies from your ass.
"Tom got so nervous before his big show he had explosive diarrhea and shit all over himself."
by Bofish December 22, 2008
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Not always from eating too much of the wrong foods which is usually relieved and ends with 1 incident of it.

Can be a prolonged horrid condition that usually comes about from a bad bacterial stomach/intestional virus. A violent exploding stream of liquid that feels like hot foamy lava shooting from your poor poop hole along with mild to severe abdominal cramping. A frothy water that will range from shades of dark brown to a pale yellow. Depending on the cause it can last from just one incident where you get immediate relief, to 3 to 4 days until a doctor has to give you an RX to stop the awful stuff. The stream is so forceful it blasts against the toilet water forcefully causing a violent splash sending the soiled stinky water up all over your poor butt cheeks, and underside of toilet seat. Usually always accompanied by a very putrid pungent odor that you feel the need to grab the nearest towel while you are still stranded on the toilet bowl, or if not available, a wad of toilet paper to cover your nose until you can hurridly leave the bathroom.

The (danger) of this condition is DEHYDRATION. It is important to not let it run on and to sip on water thru-out the day until a couple of days after it subsides. Also accompanied by noisy bowels sounds as if a war is going on inside your poor lower abdominal area along with excessive very LOUD blasting explosive gassed up farts, queasy stomach discomfort, and severe weakness if it goes on for over 24 hours.
Gosh! While I was sick I had that awful exploding diarrhea that left me feeling so weak I could hardly move!
by Cathie February 28, 2004
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In 2010, explosive diarrhea claimed the lives of over 9,000 Americans and over 7,000,000 toilets.
by ChunkyLover510 March 3, 2011
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The kind of crap where it comes so suddenly that it is impossible to avoid:

Symptoms: Growling of lower stomach.

As soon as your ass hits the toilet, liquid shoots out like water hoes, making you feel like someone force fed you a toy and then ripped it out through your ass.

Aftermath: Wondering why the fuck are you still shitting the next two days and if there is any way to get rid of the burning.
Friend: "Why the hell were you up all night?"

You: "...let's just say WW3 was finally fought."

Friend: "...what?"

You: "I blew up their white ship, B5, with my liquid poison, E.D...also known as Explosive diarrhea. "

Friend: "You fought well my friend."
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A diarrhea so explosive that you can hear a guy with explosive diarrhea scream, smell something foul, and see pure shit coming out of a stall and a guy flying and bursting through the roof or the porta-potty flying with him as he lifts off the toilet seat. Then, his ass ejects millions of nukes while he is falling down and detonating them and probably killing you.
I ended up with explosive diarrhea after eating a pound of Chipotle.
by Derp1231 December 4, 2014
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