You disgust me so much I'd rather stick my hand in a fryer than look at you even a single second more
by Stonerboy42069 September 27, 2019
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A strong distaste; a feeling of repulsion
When you find your parents' door locked, a feeling of disgust arises.
by BaffledSick October 11, 2010
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A profoud feeling of aversion, loathing, sickening, and nausea; often the result of seeing, hearing, or tasting something that is offensive.
I felt nothing but disgust when I saw this evening's dinner, knowing that my siblings let the cat on the kitchen counter to sample the food whilst they are fixing dinner.
by OneBadAsp November 5, 2006
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Better for punishing women then silence btw
Hym "Just saying. A little flash of disgust did in 3 seconds what a year of silence or derision and mockery could not. Just saying."
by Hym Iam July 12, 2022
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Alternative for level of disgust.
As slurred / created by Stacey Chamberlain 17th May 2019
A: That's shocking
B: I know right, maximum disgustness
by Jaymz1976 May 18, 2019
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1. A truly disgusting (and usually unattractive) individual.

2. A repugnant psychopath that is disliked by most who are acquainted with it. Often oblivious of their own revulsion and of how disliked they truly are.

A combination of the words disgusting and repugnant.
She was the proverbial office pariah - A disgustant and outcast that few would have anything to do with - due in large part to her disagreeable and narcissistic nature.
by Andrew - Johannesburg March 5, 2012
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What most attempts at entries on urbandictionary end up being.
Another one of those poo-vagina entries. Disgusting.
by felixh November 30, 2015
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