1. A wishy-washy nouninzation of the adjective creative.

2. Generally used by self-loathing (mostly graphic) designers. This species of worker is often generally in an in-house design department or a more corporate setting. More likely to be middle- or upper-management. These individuals are often compensating for the lack of commitment to their discipline, employer, or any real creativity in their specific job.

3. Can be utilized any number of professionals who's job are often seen as über right-brained (photographers, illustrators, art directors, etc.) or those wishing them to be portrayed more so (marketers, interns, mail room attendants) and less like a left-brained corporate drone.
Esther has begun counting herself among the creatives since she took that corporate job in marketing at Sweat Shop Inc. But she just wants to make more money in the economic downturn.
by creativeNOTcreatives July 10, 2009
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A person who works in a creative industry, eg. Graphic Design or Advertising (the fun, arty, idea-sy bit not the corporate bullsh*t statistics-and-marketing bit). Does not refer to fine artists, who whilst creative, work for themselves not for clients...

Also may be pluralised as a collective reference to: Art Directors, Copywriters, Illustrators, stressed-out insomniac chronic doodlers, etc.

This (noun) obviously stems from the fact that these people are creative (adj)... but these sorts of job tend to take over your life so eventually they all turn from being creative to actually being A Creative. Well something like that...
Guy1: Hey, that guy's in his office at 3.30am with a sack of coffee and a knee-deep layer of crumpled paper around him, whats with that?

Guy2: Oh, he's there every night, thats how a creative lives.
by MMMerangue February 19, 2008
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A simple term which means the same as, but avoids having to say, "artists, photographers, sculptors, painters, designers, architects, crafts makers..." etc.
"Creatives can't afford to stay in that part of the city now that the developers are moving in and renovating the old properties."
by Nupe January 7, 2004
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A person who can think of lots of lies quickly.
"No, because Jim's dog ran away, and we found it in a movie theater, and there was a movie that was rated R so we couldn't go in so we had to wait and by the time the movie finished we found the dog wasn't there."
by Opaque December 27, 2005
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doing art, singing, dancing, writing short stories, writing poetry, etc.
~ to sing in your high school/coollage choir
~doing a dance class
~ creative writting {outside of a class(just for fun)}
by citygirl365365 September 15, 2011
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an awesome word used by people who like to think of the world as a "creative" place - they like colors and everything different
Omg! Have you seen the rainbow lately? It's so creative looking. Shit! Now I want Skittles.
by ZebraNinja♥ March 15, 2009
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