A man who has had his penis cut off by his wife. Coined in 1993 after Lorena Bobbit emasculated her husband when he was sleeping.
That poor bobbit should have never pissed off his wife.
by Ainolketta February 19, 2005
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one who cuts off the penis of their husband and/or significant other.
"omg i just pulled a bobbit ... i cut off my husband's wang!"
by Lorena April 21, 2005
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To castrate in a non-medical procedure, usually as a result of anger
When Jane found Artie in bed with her best friend, Steve, she unloaded her .38 revolver into Artie's chest and bobbited Steve with the penknife she that was on the nightstand.
by Billy January 26, 2003
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to damage a mans genitils or penis severely
pimp: Yo ho get yo ass in my car right now or ill mess you up so bad yous be eating out a tube
ho: shut yo mouth no one talks to me like that. If you ever do that again i'll bobbit you.
by dr. gay March 26, 2007
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Dude who got his dick cut off by his wife. Poor man.
"Man you're so 'pussy whipped' by that nagging bitch that you're gunna end up like Bobbit, sleep with a knife of your own under the pillow."
by Diego August 15, 2003
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(Also "Bobbitt")

A spliff that has not been tapped down enough after rolling, so that when it is held by the roach the rest of the spliff droops down, giving the appearance of having been been cut off and sewn back on again.

Named, of course, after the (in)famous John Wayne Bobbitt.

Bobbitting is especially common when backrolling, as the single layer of paper lacks rigidity.
Aw man, I just bobbitted the spliff I was rolling.

Don't backroll the spliff - you always roll bobbitts when you do that.
by Shaper. May 27, 2006
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He caught his bobbit in a tool commonly found in woodshops, now he only has one testicle.
by GothicJedi June 1, 2006
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