A recent and disturbing trend on the internet. A blog lets people easily post comments onto a webpage. While blogs have many purposes, some of which can be useful, most people seem to use blogs as a way of having an online diary. These people have such massive egos and are so narcissistic that they believe that other people would be interested in reading their pointless ramblings. Even more disturbing is the fact that many people have such boring lives that they have nothing better to do than to read these stupid online diaries. They just feed the egos of the "bloggers" and encourage them to continue posting nonsense. Hopefully, "blogging" will turn out to be just a fad that passes quickly.
tim: Hey i just set up a blog on my website.
joe: What have you written in it?
tim: Oh just some random drivel.
joe: Sounds like the typical blog.
tim: Yeah, but plenty of people will still read it, and that will make me feel special.
joe: That's sad.
tim: I know.
by whodey July 16, 2004
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a place where people bitch about their daily activities which nobody is interested in. topics like why they argue with boyfriend and how they end up together at last, daily aneroxic activities like drinking blended organic fruits and vegetable for breakfast, lunch and dinner, talking about cutting themselves with a razor blade and how good they felt, bitch about their shopping activities and what they got.

just another way to seek attention and sympathy from other people.
Sample of a blog entry:
Today i argued with my babypooh, he got mad a me just because justin asked me out for lunch, he ended up ignoring me and not calling me. i don't know what i've done wrong and why am i crying over it right now. it's just stupid, he's not the man that he used to be, i still remember how he treats me when we first started, it was all so nice and perfect. but now, we're like arguing over small matters almost every week. i don't think i can take this anymore, i'm just tired of this relationship.

owh look, someone actually commented on my previous entry.
by Uncle Bob February 17, 2005
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Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives. Possibly the most annoying thing about bloggers is the sense of self-importance they get after even the most modest of publicity. Sometimes it takes as little as a referral on a more popular blogger's website to set the lesser blogger's ego into orbit.
usually occurs after a person purchases or attains access to a computer but before they learn anything about writing.
by hex August 5, 2005
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Short for weblog. Blogs originally had purpose when the few people who had them actually had interesting and/or informative things to say. These blogs still exist, and are quite enjoyable to read, however the advent of blogger.com and livejournal.com has changed this once meaningful application into utter shit, allowing every day idiots to write about how shitty their lives are and why everyone should care.
Good Blog: Informative news, real humor and entertainment. Often build and published by someone with a brain.

Bad Blog: "School sucks", what you had for lunch, why your depressed because your 14 year old boyfriend dumped you and its the end of the world.
by Vladimir June 8, 2005
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To fall asleep at the computer.
I fell asleep at my computer last night. I slept like a blog.
by Doodles505 January 5, 2012
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If minds had anuses, blogging would be what your mind would do when it had to take a dump.
by hex August 5, 2005
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Sensationalized minutia.
Uhuh? really? you don't say. Hey you know what? I'd really love to continue reading this blog but, I too, have ridden a bus before and know that George Bush is three monkeys in a man suit. Really? You like Tuna fish and Pink Floyd? I really have to..ok I get it, your boss is a jag, I'm really not..your favorite song..riveting...hey I think I left some of my attention in the car, I'll be right back!
*starts car*
*peels away*
by Lig Na Baste January 7, 2008
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