Abbr. "Blank carbon copy". A check box in an email which does not show source nor others who have recieved it. Bad news.
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 4, 2004
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E-mail term. An acronym for "Blind Carbon Copy". BCC lists
addresses to which a message should be sent, but which will
not be seen by the recipients.
Supported by most e-mail systems, a normal, non-blind "CC" header would be visible to all recipients, thus allowing them to reply to each other as well as to the sender. The addresses listed in a BCC header are not included in the copies of the message sent to the recipients.
"I've decided to BCC: my boss, Karen, so nobody's on best behaviour, and she can see some of the interoffice communications to which she otherwise wouldn't be privy." --Said by office tattletale who, in a just world, would be hung by the toes over a roaring bonfire while the rest of the office roasts marshmallows and sips hot cocoa in celebration of their early bonuses (which turns out to actually be the divvying up of said tattletale's yearly salary).
by TheChickWhoTkOvrDWrld August 16, 2006
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BCC or also known as the Bolivian Cock Caresser is a person who wreaks havoc when they see a beautiful man with a nice cock. Instantly an erection occurs and they begin to caress and sometimes vigorously stroke the man until climax.
Sebastian is a normal guy until he sees this hottie Nathan. What a BCC!
by SnipeKingClutch March 30, 2021
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Big Caucasian cock massive huge white dick BCC giant white man meat
That's a mighty fine bcc (big Caucasian cock)

Suck this bcc you dirty slut!

Oh momma you know how to ride my bcc
by go4ray October 4, 2015
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Abbreviation for 'blind carbon copy'. Typically used in email to get someone in trouble
That guy pissed me off so I bcc'd his boss.
by SWZ September 26, 2003
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Brevard Community College

The "College" that pretty much everyone from Brevard that doesn't go to USF, UCF, UF, or FSU goes to just so they can say they're doing SOMETHING with their lives.

Also the "College" populated very heavily by High School students taking college classes while still in high school, thus leading to feeling awkward when you find out the hottest girl in your class is actually a junior in high school.


Beer Can College

Wickham University
Hey, we're graduating soon, what do you want to do for college?

I don't know, I guess I'll probably just go to BCC or something.
by Mr. Cox November 28, 2009
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an acronym for Blind Courtesy Copy. When writing an email you may send copies of your email to other people by adding their email address in the BCC field. This is almost the same thing as a courtesy copy except the recipients in the BCC field do not see the other recipients your email is being sent to.

also see CC
Don't worry I sent her a BCC copy she won't know I'm talking to you.
by valoem February 7, 2005
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