ammend to previous

bitch on a LAN who DL's every fucking thing on the net and has multiple programs runing
room mate or family member dling things at all hours of the day
by Matt December 20, 2003
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Someone who uses all the bandwidth from flatmates, in order to stream HD porn.
Max was pissed off because the internet was slow
Turns out Thomas was being a bandwidth basher with the porn again.
by johnnyblossom March 12, 2010
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your no-job-having-brother complaining about your minimal computer usage slowing down his Counterstrike sever
Get some real friends, you bandwith hog!
by war pig March 16, 2004
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Any internet programs, such as games, that take up a lot of bandwidth leaving you laggy.
I was playing War Rock but that Bandwidth Monster was hurting my KDR so I went over to Second Life which I forgot was another Bandwidth Monster.
by tbclycan February 8, 2010
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When a band is still performing with just one or none of the original start-up members, performing songs written by the original members, and using the same gimmicks of the original members to draw a crowd. And it's just a matter of time before the original members and/or songwriter notices and sues their ass to shut them down.

"KISS hasn't exceeded their bandwidth yet, but I say it's only a matter of time."
by so42gob4dawn August 3, 2006
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Dumbass brother john who downloads hella crap screwing up my halo 3 skills.
Want to play halo? No my bitch ass brother is being a bandwidth hog
by glass of burrito July 27, 2009
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The demonic entity that lives somewhere in Yankes' room; it is the source of the Bandwidth that has enveloped the pod. Is most likely controlling and evil, so Yankes must obey it.
Emerson: The smell is so bad again.
Shady: I know MuhBuhDunDunDUH!
E: The Bandwidth Monster needs to be pleased.
by Lower South May 12, 2008
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