when somthing is bad and wrong..from the movie Kung Pow!
"Betty has gone too far. Killing is wrong, and bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing like badwrong or badong. YES, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing, gnodab."
by Lisa April 18, 2004
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Bad wrong. originated from "kung Pow" , the greatest movie ever
killing is badong
by Urban Dictionary June 6, 2003
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Bad and wrong, badwrong. See gnodab.
The evil fish is badong.
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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Its a combination of bad and wrong when something is just totally out of control
Woah man what that chick was doing was totally badong.
by Amy December 31, 2004
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a new word for killing it a mix of bad and wrong
Your badong for killing that kid!
by dan January 5, 2004
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