An acronym for Way Too Cool Syndrome (also known as Far Too Cool Syndrome), referring to people that are just way to "cool" for their own good.
by jay_bee September 16, 2008
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Rence: Hey! Where's Gio?
Jackie: Is he wtc for class?
Wes: Oh yeah, you know he is!
by J.Lee May 22, 2005
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Abbreviation for what the crap

Similar to wtf - usually typed and not spoken

1.) Expresses confusion about the meaning of what was just said
2.) Acknowledges the complete randomness of a statement
by Stefanie May 11, 2005
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Abriviated for Whites Taking Control a very popular young gang in southern california, usually associated with your skinheads, dirtheads, or bros symbolising white power.
by Veronica123Victoria September 30, 2008
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Irrefutable proof that 9/11 was a False Flag Operation. Please look at a video of it collapsing if you can. "WTC 7 Orange" is the best one so far. Also, Loose Change.
What happened to WTC 7? I hear that no plane hit it.

Buildings do not collapse like that because of fire. It was a classic controlled demolition. That is why the media ignores it and only 5% of Americans know about it.
by patriotsquestion911 June 30, 2010
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When you are off the phone
Could you come over

WCT - a modern day acronym used mainly at call centers in the US to indicate one employee would like to speak to another in person

by Bennett69Odonnell69 December 26, 2007
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"what the chicken"
just something funny and random to say to yer friends and use in chat rooms cuz nobody knows what it stands for.
"your mom."
"your face."
"your mom's face!"
"...dude, wtc?"
by [made] September 3, 2007
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