Used whenever someone gives blatantly awful instructions and leaves the person trying to learn worse off than where he/she was originally.
"To set up the demodulator 9000, hook up the synthescope sync clock to the upper radial bearing of the elliptical upper casing ..."

"Instructions unclear: dick stuck in toaster."
by Dark Sneasel September 7, 2014
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A phrase said when either the instructions were vague or not understood. Usually followed by getting one's genitals stuck in household appliances.
Instructions: To get your witchmax-2000 broomstick up and running you must sacrifice 1 virgin(whose first name must start with an 'X') on an altar which has the shape of the map of Argentina while reading the bible backwards in an Australian accent while writing the solution of three complex differential equations on the altar with a black bpelikan/b marker.
Once complete, proceed with soaking the bat feathers in the virgin blood and your good to go.

User: Instructions unclear, got dick stuck in the toaster. Help..?
by SirBarks alot March 22, 2016
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Things that we don't really understand that are killing people in other lands on our behalf.
Many Iraqis die from unclear weapons.
by blindspot February 18, 2005
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This 2 words started on the internet in Blogs or something similar that were very, very stupid like: "How to jump" or "How to read" on Steam. So It was so stupid that people start writing these type of commentaries: "Unclear Intructions, ..." It most used for Guides that his steps are very very easy.
How to read: You did it!

Guy: Unclear Instructions, eat the toster
Guy2: Unclear Intructions, get cock stuck in a tree
Guy3: Unclear Intructions, eat hard drive
by Pipor January 14, 2017
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A common phrase said by one after they gave instructions, usually followed by an impossible consequence for not following the instructions correctly.
*How To Video's Comment Section*

"Instructions were unclear, my dick is stuck in a ceiling fan."
by Hunter512 September 17, 2014
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A term used to describe your unexpected failure after bragging about winning.
by KuruptBoi May 3, 2021
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Being a person who cannot be cleared to receive a permanent security clearance to receive classified government information.
Trump's son-in-law is unclearable because he has a billion dollars in debts and has tried to enrich himself by dealing with the Russian oligarchs, including an ambassador.

Trump is unclearable because he likes golden showers from Russian whores.
by euphemismo February 24, 2018
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