(n.) An avid fan of star trek. Can usually name all the cast, including cameos and what number episode they appeared. Hates the next generation and other 90's spinoffs.
The stereotypical trekkie is a nerd who uses the internet way too much, and has never had a girlfriend, or any other huamn contact asides from his mother and other trekkies.
by Kung-Fu Jesus July 21, 2004
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someone (or something) that is obsessed with the everlame show "star trek"
and has a complete collection of useless star trek crap just tro show off.
all trekkies are virgins, and probalbly are unaware two sexes exist
mrs. weber is a trekkie freak.
by Smate November 16, 2004
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A character in the hit Brodway musical, Avenue Q. He believes that the internet is for porn and seems to be a spoof of cookie monster from sesame street
TREKKIE monster
The internet is for porn
Lyrics from Avenue Q:
TREKKIE monster
The internet is for porn,
What are you doing!?
TREKKIE monster
Why you think the net was born?
Porn porn porn
by shhh! don't tell my mom! April 14, 2009
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This is when someone of Star Trek fanaticism (be it Trekkie or Trekker) randomly relates something to Star Trek in some way to people who could give a shit. This is basically a way to show off one's knowledge of Star Trek.
Non-Star Trek fan: (watching Desperate Housewives)
(Star Trek fan walks in): Hey, what ya watchin'
Non-Star Trek fan: Desperate Housewives.
Star Trek Fan: Dude, is that Teri Hatcher? You know, Teri Hatcher played the transporter technician in Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Outrageous Okona" in the second season. She later got laid by Captain Okona later in the episode.
Non-Star Trek fan: Does it look like I give a shit? Dude, this Trekkie Maneuver shit has GOT to stop!
by startrek4life April 9, 2010
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A fan of Star Trek (any incarnation) who has COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT OF THE SHOW!

Instead focusing on the little nicpicky details, rather than the bigger issue of what unites people of different cultures/ethnicities etc.
Those guys are to busy arguing whether they're Trekkie and/or Trekker to realize they haven't been paying attention.
by flashwildecard October 12, 2005
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someone who's been exposed to Star Trek for the first time. i.e. watching the recent Star Trek movie (2009)
I took 2 of my friends to see the new Star Trek movie that came out in May 8th, and they are now Nu-Trekkies! Thanks, Star Trek!
by MissDarkFaerie September 9, 2009
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a variation of the shocker fingering technique, where one forms the famous "live ling and prosper" sign with one's hand
"so i gave her the shocker last night..."

"dude, you gotta try a trekkie shocker, chicks love it"

"two in the pink, TWO in the stink! why didn't i think of that??"
by trekkie6969 May 24, 2009
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