"Hey April, can you TOTT real quick?"

"Sure George, I can TOTT in a few minutes. Let me just make this ice cream cone first"
by turbojones May 16, 2016
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A sylindar of tiny pieces of potato.
Breaded and fried.
"Get your owns Totts gosh!"
"I love you lots like tater totts!"
by Niki Dee September 25, 2008
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Yummy Cummy in my Tummyy
Hes so Tyler Tott
by YummyYumMuyYUm January 25, 2022
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A confused Danish person that likes to travel.
Oh, that boy has been in Cuba two times. You can say he is a travel-tott.
by nikkidicky November 29, 2021
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The best guy in existense, a total epic gamer. Just a nice guy to have around.
Dude you're a real Totte, thanks!
by Totte, the real definition October 18, 2019
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Did you spot that tott over there?

I haven't seen any tott for miles
by Elrobel November 19, 2019
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