When a man allows a woman to twist his Scrotum so tightly that the individual testicles are no longer distinguishable. Typically requires 8-10 complete twists to achieve Testicular Singularity.
Boris: "Hey Jeff, wanna come watch the football game at my house this sunday?"

Jeff: "No thanks Boris! My wife and I will be attempting to achieve Testicular Singularity that day!"
by Hugh Honey April 17, 2020
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A 9th level spell that can only be casted by the greatest wizards of the realm. When casted, a magical force twists one or both testicles of the persons afflicted, causing immeasurable pain and anguish.

When casted on a person with no junk, the only affects are a mild tummy ache or rampant expulsion of gas from your rectum.
Nice Shopkeeper - "Hello sir, what can I get you today?"
Me, a wizard with a short temper - "TESTICULAR TORSION!!!!"
by TyrantDweller July 26, 2023
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when you write "I Quit" on your nut sack in magic marker and show em to your boss when you quit

when the testicles resign because they get fed up from living next to a dick and an asshole
Peter officially gave his Testicular Resignation today when he walked into his boss's office and whipped out his nutsack that said "I Quit" written in magic marker...right after he said, "I know you're going to think I'm nuts."
by Penelope Storm August 3, 2011
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When one gets hit in the balls, and ejaculates uncontrollably
Dipshit: Yo dawg, I heard your girlfriend hit you in the balls yesterday.
Herp Nugget: Yeah, I had a testicular volcano for 7 hours...
Dipshit: Holy shit man, can you hook me up with one of those?
by Derp McMuff March 20, 2015
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As your intelligence increases your testicles become the storage for the excess intelligence, the testicles grow big and full of knowledge.
Barry: "Doctor Wells! Your testicles are huge!!"

Doctor Wells: "I know Barry, I'm a genius. Testicular Wisdom, look it up."
by Salmon Sam December 10, 2019
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