After a long night of drinking and can't wait or just don't want to wait. You just whip it out and let it flow as you walk along. Congratulations. You are now a street cleaner.
We just saw a street cleaner leaving his mark all over the sidewalk on our way home from the bar.
by thepiercedweirdo October 14, 2010
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Is were u wape your buttaxe after your done pooping and you have to poop more.thus street(streak) clean for it to get dirty again,and more traffic(poop) to come threw
Dude i was taking a shit,then thinking i was done, it turned out to be a street cleaner
by Nickolas Smitty August 6, 2008
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the act of dragging your penis against someone's body while at the same time ejaculating
Jimmy: want to go do a street cleaner?

Bob: no. last time i got all messy
by willywanker69 December 2, 2010
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The act of picking up a homeless man and eating his ass while he fucks your wife.
I scored the best street cleaner last night when I picked up Harry the homeless guy and ate the corn out of his ass while he banged Debbie.
by Cum Cracker December 23, 2017
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The Process of one female fellating a standing male whilst another female is positioned below sed male's asshole and receiving a colon cleansing shit on her forehead.
1. Last night I gave your mother a New Orleans Street Cleaner with your sister.

2. "Hey guy's, I just took a stool softener. Go grab those two bitches from last night so I can get a New Orleans Street Cleaner."
by willy b. bumper January 9, 2012
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