A word first coined by Gnostic Bishop Tau Tia L Douglass in 2007.

Made up from the word SIMian and PeopPLE = Simple

Those whose genes are from simians, mixed with those of first humans to evolve.
Simples are of low intelligence and these make up the vast majority of the human population. They can not think for themselves, they need to be told what to do in all areas of life. They can be caring towards others, or violent depending on up bringing and mix of genes.

Another word for - Sheeple.

A Simple is - A person of low intelligence who can not think for themselves.

Simples - A group of people who can not think for themselves.
The Simples watch the news on TV and believe all of it, without question.

Talking to a Simple about world events, is like talking to a brick wall.
by KnowingOne May 25, 2013
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something that's so obvious that it's a victory. Something that's good, that's commendable.
You got that thot's number????? That's a fuckin simple.
by youngthot October 25, 2017
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as in not complicated.
"god! why don't you get it?!?! it's so simple... I wanna DO you! do i have to spell it out for you?"
by siescierto June 7, 2004
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A word used to belittle someone who isn't in fact, 'simple', usually by people who fit the adjective themselves.
Person superior in intelligence, culture and wit: You really are a pointless, thick, ugly piece of scum. Why don't you leave me alone, you bullying scumbag.

Charv: Sorry that you are simple, like (but spoken in a coarse manner).

Ironic for the charv to call someone simple considering their lifestyles(binge drinking, generally yobbery and scum-baggery).

Reference: Kirkley Hall Agriculture College, Northumberland.
by Drawrod July 12, 2006
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When something is ridiculously simple, or a no-brainer.
Dude, that was rad! So simpl!
by smart_uncle July 8, 2015
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acroynm for shitting in my pants laughing...when LOL and LMAO just can't capture the hilarity of the moment!
Dude, that is freaking hilarious!! OMG!! SIMPL!!
by compfixr July 1, 2008
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When somebody makes an critical mistake when they're overcomplicating things that are clearly straigthforward, somebody will have to point the flaw in their argument. Most of the times this includes an simplification.
Person 1: Women have more STD than men. This means that men are sluts, because if the women were the sluts men should have equal or more STD .
Person 2: You can't conclude that. You don't know who has sex with whom. Men have less sex, less risk of STDs. Women have more sex, more likely to have STDs. Simple as that.
by FatAndLonely July 24, 2016
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