A country in Eastern Europe and Asia where the commies once ruled and now they are just as bad Syria
Person 1: Russia is the Largest Country in the World
Person 1: Which means its better
Person 2: But they have the same population as Nigeria
Person 1: So?
Person 2: And the economy isn't doing to well
Person 1: So???
Person 3: Commies
Person 2: WHY!!! * Commits Suicide*
by The Caspian January 28, 2017
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A large country with a history that keeps changing after Joeseph Stalin tried to erase it after the Czar was killed. The USSR broke up in 1992 and since then there has been no communism in the country.
Russia has a powerful army.
by HGHDSA September 27, 2003
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Home of the best porn in the world.
No porn beats Russian porn. Russia porn is the shit!
by kyster23 May 20, 2011
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a place that Sarah Palin can see from her house
"oh look hunny! Its russia!"
by chloe_the_kid December 2, 2012
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