If one were to be called this it would mean you are:
Red haired
Simple (outwardly)
Have bad eating habits
Phobic of spiders
Angry as all the saints in hell
"Bloody hell!*&*&^@*^"

"Jeaslous? Me? No..."

"Why is everything I own rubbish?"
by Sabbathman December 22, 2004
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The foul-mouth of the Harry Potter trio
Harry: Hero
Hermione: the Brain
Ron: Foul-mouth, loyal friend
by Boaz March 8, 2005
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When a male/female delivers a male a hand job of the 'rough kind'.

Ron Weasly= Rough Wristie
"Wowza. That bitch just gave me a Ron Weasley"
by Patriceee January 15, 2010
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To pull a Ron Weasley:

- To fail where others succeeded.
- To be the guy in the background to make someone look better.
- To talk complete and utter, unimportant crap.
What a Ron Weasley of a status update!
by Duggertron. March 22, 2011
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A girl sitting on a boy's head screaming BLOODY HELL, while on her period. Thus making their hair red like RON WEASLEY.
Since it's that time of the month, I think I might try the Ron Weasley with my boyfriend.
by Trexlex February 8, 2012
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The act of spitting on a bald man’s head and sprinkling crushed up watsits on top to form a ginger-wig like appearance.
Dave- “Do you want a Ron Weasley?”
Bill - “Sure! Cheese me up!”
by Kian4208 May 23, 2018
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A character from the Harry Potter series. He is the sixth and youngest son in a large family, and attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he befriends Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

He is kind, witty, and incredibly loyal; his bravery and willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends is demonstrated multiple times throughout the books, and his proves himself to be both an amazing friend.

He is very insecure, which leads to him having a very low self-esteem. He is a very strong character, however, and triumphs over all his fears and insecurities to become a hero in his own right.

He is rather average at school work (although he manages to achieve good grades in most of his exams), but he is an amazing chess player, and very talented at quidditch (when he is confident).
Ron Weasley is Harry's "Wheezy" (the person he would miss most).
by Emily.smx November 29, 2020
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