1. putz

Literally, vulgar slang for penis, not to be used lightly. More offensive than the schmuck, which can be used affectionately or teasingly. Rarely used to describe the member, schmuck does that.

"What a putz! Used the same as What an asshole!"

2. putz

(n) a stupid, ignorant person; someone who doesn't pay attention to anything going on; one who makes stupid remarks

"Reiner is a putz. He is always scamming on women. No wonder, he can't stay married."

3. Putz

A "putz" is yiddish (derogatory) for prick.

Oh, don't be such a putz!
"Reiner is a putz. He is always scamming on women. No wonder, he can't stay married."
by Sara Smiles October 28, 2013
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fooling around aimlessly
messing around or about
tooling around
You can go in there, Bubba is just putzing around with the computer.

If it wasn't for all the putzing, stuff would get done around here.
by anystupidassname June 21, 2007
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Often used as "putzing around". Means to fool around, tinker, mess with, dabble.
Could also be spelled puttsing.
The same as putzin.
I was putzing around with this thing when I noticed it has.....

Quit putzing around and get busy.
by BruceA July 21, 2006
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(n) a stupid, ignorant person; someone who doesn't pay attention to anything going on; one who makes stupid remarks
**bumps into a pole on the sidewalk, then a person, keeps going** J: what a putz! didn't he see me here??"
by *Shelley* June 17, 2003
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Noun. Yiddish. A stupid, irritating, and ineffectual person. Literally a penis. Often accompanied by the gesture of a fist with the pinkie finger raised. Differs from schmuck by being a fraction of the size.

Verb. Yiddish. To work unproductively
Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way, you putz.
Quit putzing around with that jpeg and upload it.
by coolpapa September 18, 2013
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Literally, vulgar slang for penis, not to be used lightly. More offensive than the schmuck, which can be used affectionately or teasingly. Rarely used to describe the member, schmuck does that. Def. from the "Joys of Yiddish" by Leo Rosten
What a putz! Used the same as What an asshole!
by Laura Cohen March 19, 2003
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literay "to have dicked arround"
when you have time and nothing specific to accomplish, you occupy yourself with what is at hand. kind of like going to urbandictionary.com and adding your own definitions eg. ninja route
see putz and adhd
mother: "Son, you have been out side for nearly an hour, why is the lawn not mowed? what have you done with all that time?"
son: "aw shizzle ma, i done putzed for how long now?"
by halluciphile July 8, 2004
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