The act of puking (vomiting) and pooping (defacating) simultaniously.
I had to pooke so bad after my flight from Guatemala.
by ah ha white and brown September 9, 2009
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when some one is extrmeley high on meth or crack
Harold sure was pooked at work 2 day he
will be sucking dick for his next 8ball
if he don't slow down
by Big Leon Holla at Ya Boy October 19, 2004
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1. (n) a crackhead/gakhead coming down off drugs, skinny and slouching, they can barely keep their head up.

2. (v) to be pooked: exhausted, sore, and/or hurting, after a long night's of partying and buckn' rails, popping and/or drinking. Too tired to even puke. in other words, the morning after feeling.
"bust out some lines, nilla!!! cut that shiiiiet!!"

26 hours later, stomach so empty you don't have the strength to even hold your body up:
"Man, i'm fuckn' pooooked"

and thus, making you a POOK.
by kelsey minkee November 4, 2005
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"man i got all pooked out yesterday and i'm still awake"
by x September 2, 2003
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Someone who is tweaking hard, everyone sees your as a fucked individual, you belong to the streets.
Friend 1. “Im a Squirrel
Friend 2. “Your Pooking
by Silly Nate dawg November 12, 2020
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A mangy rat-like creature. It has large grasping jaws with many incisors. It's said in ancient Podian historical records that the Pooks manifest into this form by combining human blood with the corpses of nutria that have drowned in the East Ganges River. It measures anywhere from 14 to 28" in length. One body will often multiply into 3 or more smaller beings, thus making it hard to determine a standard size. They feed on any living thing that can be heard, and have a very hard time using other senses.
As Harshul was collecting his river bells to journey home, he was suddenly torn into pieces by a gaggle of pooks.
by jerohme spye November 4, 2006
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