1. (n.) A sign of virility, strength or social efficacy. An informal measure of one's ability to mack, pimp, or generally to get play, action or get your freak on. Generally characterized as "strong" or "weak."
2. To "exercise one's pimp hand": to increase one's skill at short-term sexual interactions, or to demonstrate such.
3. One's ability to control one's bitches.
4. A back-handed slap, used to emphasize superiority, or a forthcoming need to choke a bitch.
1. Damn, son! Yo' ass picked up some *fine* bitches last night! Yo' pimp hand is strong!
2. You're losing your touch, man. Come out to the club tonight so we can exercise your pimp hand.
3. His strong pimp hand keeps his hos in line.
4. You gonna take that shit?! Introduce yo' pimp hand to that bitch ass motherfucker!
by Mister P. March 27, 2007
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Having a nearly immeasurable ability to keep people in line by the merely presenting the back of your hand.
by Tommy High Fives June 26, 2010
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The hand used to slap a ho when that bitch aint paying up.
Calm down nigger, I gotta keep my pimping hand strong.
by sexy fuck December 28, 2006
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a term used for the power a pimp has over his hoes
man that guy keeps his pimp-hand strong that hoe just gave him money!!!!!WTF!?!?!?!?!
by icanread-dog April 11, 2006
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1. the hand you use to back-hand pplz with

2. the ability to keep yo hoes in line

3. something sean connery has
"it'sh ok to hit a woman, as long as it'sh an open hand."
keepin that pimp hand strong

-sean connery
by sssshhhhyyyyiiiiittttttt February 5, 2010
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A person who's will or force is so strong they can do pretty much whatever they want.

Can also mean street cred
by Solid July 14, 2005
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The act of slapping a person generally of the opposite hand, also used to establish dominance over a person with a swift, strong hand to slap them.
"Ey tyrone still givin shit"
"Yo know it i had to give dat shithead the pimp hand
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