11 definitions by Solid

A selfish act.

A way to describe someone who's selfish and/or cheap
Don't folp the money dude.

That guys is such a folp, he wouldn't give me a quarter for a soda!
by Solid July 14, 2005
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A jerk who won't give you what you want/need.
Come on man, don't be an assmongler! Pass the crackpipe.
by Solid July 14, 2005
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A person who's will or force is so strong they can do pretty much whatever they want.

Can also mean street cred
by Solid July 14, 2005
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Reminescent of the phrase "In like Flynn." Means you have extraordinary dumb luck.
That party was so flynn, some drunk chick went down on me and gave me a $20 tip!
by Solid July 14, 2005
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Bigger than schlong. Means a big penis.
Supposed to tie in the words whoa and wang
I don't have a dick I have a Whong! So you'd best reconize!
by Solid July 14, 2005
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Someone who acts really creepy, but you can't exactly put your finger on how or why they are.
That dude is such a wonka. Look at him stare at the traffic lights!

Don't be a wonka dude! That chick looks way too young!
by Solid July 14, 2005
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Oral sex where the person giving it has a fro of some sort.
My lady gave me a fro-shot last night, it got all up in her hair!
by Solid July 14, 2005
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