A series of books written by D.J.Machale. Pendragon is a series of an adventure through time and space, and a 14 year old boy named Bobby Pendragon. A very good book series...
I cant put down the Pendragon Series
by AJ345897 November 13, 2005
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A cold heartless earth deity bent on the annihilation of the human race and world domination. Known for manipulating females into submissive contracts for life where they proceed to train them into modern day Valkyries. Identifiable by their low body temperatures, cynical demeanors, and the weakening affect of being out in the sun for long periods of time has on them.
Kai Vessalius was such a cynical and demanding child his parents feared he would become a Pendragon.
by Gyaku-X5 November 21, 2012
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1) A person, usually someone from the UK, who has a very large ego and flaunts it as a power, using it as an advantage against others.

2) Ringleader of a sophisticated gang.
You don't mess with him, he's the leader of the Vipers, a freakin' pendragon!
by Crazynerd February 17, 2009
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He is #daddy. Arthur is a hot, brave, sexy beast. He is also a clotpole, dollophead, prat, royal ass, ignorant, and loves to take his shirt off. He thinks his servant Merlin is a complete idiot, but also loves him.
"Arthur Pendragon has hot nipples"

"Arthur Pendragon is Jessie's husband"
"Arthur is such a clotpole"
by Arthurismydaddybish September 24, 2017
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The hottest man to walk this earth
"Your gay right?"
"then why do you have a body pillow of Howl Pendragon?"
"Shut the fuck up"
by 6feetinyourmom November 15, 2021
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A character from the fate series. She’s a part of the servant class : Saber.
She’s also named the king of knights. The weapon she hold is named Excalibur in which she was able to pull out.
She’s sweet, trustworthy, brave, beautiful, and Cares for her master/ people she trust and likes. She also regret her past and wish to change that.
1: Do you know Artoria Pendragon from fate series?

2: Of course she’s my favorite!
1: Agreed!
by Frfc July 14, 2021
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The most badass and hottest witch ever - alongside Lena Luthor but they're actually the same person. She's sweet but a psycho and there's no way you can resist her.
Person 1: Who's your favourite Merlin character ?
Person 2: Morgana Pendragon! She's so-
Person 1: you're gay.
by November 22, 2021
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