A derogative term used by non-greek college students in reference to fraternities. Originates from common disease known as ligma balls
1. “They said theyre not coming over here tonight cuz they are going to a party at Sigma Ligma Balls or something.”

2. “Look at those Sigma Ligma Balls frat dicks playing beer die in their yard.
by Ketalla June 25, 2020
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Joe mama got ligma balls...the most powerful words that your friend can die from....
if someone is saying "Who is Joe and ligma?"
and his brain will shrink 136 TIMES til he dies...
and your brain with get 136 times BIGGER...
this sentence is very powerful....it can survive everything......even uno reverse card and no u or uno block card
be careful kids....
Friend 2:"Joe got ligma!"
Friend 1:"who is Joe and ligma?"
Friend 2:"Joe mama got ligma balls!!!"
Friend 1:*strange dying sounds*
by ShrekMemeTips October 24, 2019
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A popular term typically used amongst children specifically elementary and middle school students.

The term is idiotic but deemed funny by certain people. Rarely used by high school students. Use it if you're a social reject
"Hey can you past me my phone?"
"You're acting like an Sussy imposter among us ligma balls."
"You're adopted nathan"
by AngeredObeseUterus August 27, 2021
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