"How was the bar last night?" Jasper asked.
"It was goose!" Jenny said.


"Yo, goose job on the test!" Timothy said to Snapper.
by Teemo December 22, 2006
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to stick up your hand in a goose-looking manner, as to find a lost person in a large group of people.
Me: I stuck up the goose, I'm so glad you goosed back, bro!
Karl: I'm so glad I know the goose!
by TravisPastrana199 May 9, 2011
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awesome. dope. cool. mint. fresh. rad. best.

usually used similarly to "what's good?"

so say "what's goose"

or if you are real hip,

"whiz goose" or "s'goose?" or just plain "goose"

it can also be used as a substitute for almost any words - if you possess the skill and dome to do so.
"what's goose johnny"

"not shit, my girl just slapped me, but it's all goose. What's goose with you bre?"

"not shit, just eating a sub"

"word, well let's get goose on some leggy blondes later"

"that's whaz goose ma man, that's whaz goose."
by bigdaddyporksword August 8, 2014
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An angry bird that attacks people because it can
Bob: I got attacked by a Goose

Jhon: I know right? They are such jerks
by Glitchy_bubbles March 31, 2021
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A goose that can steal literally ANY object that you are holding and you can't kill him.
Guy 1: Hey there, Guy 2! How is your day today?

Guy 2: Terrible. That damn goose stole my sandwich and threw it in the fucking water! He didn't even eat it!
by AlienMan33 November 27, 2019
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Some very angry Canadian birds popularized through a game and memes.
Mess with Honk Goose and you get the bonk
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