152 definitions by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg

1. Derogatory term used by nationalists often to describe African-Americans/Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Latinos, and many more ethnic groups.
(Person 1)Dipshit: ThIS PeRSOn iS a sUb-HuMAn
(Person 2)Normal Person: Hey nationalist dipshit, fug off!
(Person 3)Victim: .... Your one of the lowest of low lifes I have ever seen (Victim talking to Person 1)
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A large ethnicity group encompassing most of the Middle East and all of North Africa except Israel/Palestine and Turkey.
The Bedouins Arabs are the dominant Arab tribe.
Arabs are not the terrorists you think they are.
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When you get all your words approved and have over 40 definitions
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A person who is married and demands sex and blames all his problems on his wife for not having enough sex.
Begone Incel, you are a vermin for blaming all of your problems for not having enough sex
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A person who loves sex so much they always blame their problems on their wife for not having enough of it.
He is an Incel according to his wife.
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