Crazy, possible, messed up shit that there is no real word that can describe the situation or topic.
He is Gonzo trying to wrestle a bull.
by Jono villa Lex the rex January 16, 2006
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A term used to describe the firmness of a male penis after looking at a female. This term is usually used in between a "Chub" and "Full Erection/Straight up."
"The stripper wasn't that hot, she only gave me a gonzo."

(After a good night) "Damn if I wasn't drunk she would have gotten a Straight up; instead she had to have fun with my Gonzo."
by N. Hayward August 15, 2008
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noun, adjective

1. A individual who is arrogant; pertly self-assertive; conceited, does not take criticism well, if not at all.

1. A cocky person.
A)Ex. My brother is sadly, a gonzo, he always thinks he is right.

B)Ex. The gonzo Olympic swimmer did not finish the race, as he was very arrogant, and would not take advice.
by RektalFunk January 29, 2009
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When your situation resembles gonzo's nose from the muppets.

Can be attributed heavy drug use, savage jungle bushs (inless your from the 70's) and or your just about anything that gets you going, but their is just somthing missing.

Cure: viagra, castration depends on if you a half full or half empty kinda guy...
So I was totally ready to go then she revealed her savage jungle bush and my junk went straight gonzo.

Shit, here bro pop these you'll be fucking fat bitches in no time
by His Dudeness the Duder February 7, 2007
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a man who is known to love promiscuous women and spend the majority of their adult lives incarcerated.
Man don't be such a Gonzo.
by billy danny dewitt April 22, 2008
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Future World Wrestling Entertainment Wrestler. Finishing moves will be the Pedigree and Frog Splash. He will reign as Intercontinental champ, but then defeat Triple H in his lasy match to win the World HEavyweight Championship.
Future World Wrestling Entertainment Wrestler. Finishing moves will be the Pedigree and Frog Splash. He will reign as Intercontinental champ, but then defeat Triple H in his lasy match to win the World HEavyweight Championship
by A Guy Named Gonzo. February 3, 2005
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Gonzo is a green herb, that's used recreationally to experience a type of euphoria only obtained through inhaling the substance or digesting.
Person 1: yo you tryna match
Person 2: bet, I got some gonzo, pull up
by Sha-aq-man October 16, 2018
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