Fat Ginger, the Coolest ginger Commonly named nick. Has a cow lick and Says back in my day and talks about tyrone. Has braces and is the most hilarious ginger you will ever meet.
Person 1:Yo is fat ginger coming over to the party tonight.

Person 2: Yes is gonna be lit and Hilarous.

Person 1: You know it!!
by Frecklespaiszer789 December 19, 2016
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This is the derogatory way to descrbe Ben Clay. He meets all of these criteria but he prefers the term horizontally challeneged, strawberry blonde person of homosexual orientation.
I know this fag, he happens to be a heffer and be a guare. I am going to call him fat ginger faggot.
by marvin December 23, 2004
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I go to church just to lick the walls. I shove my willy inside the rocket league disk.
by Pickle.Rick December 13, 2018
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its a fat ass ginger 69!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people this its a crippled . ;)
sam: oi lad , wanna die bitch , you a fat ass ginger 69 boi get rekt nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

fat ass ginger 69: no i am not you fat ass ginger 69.
by i like ass on corrona March 9, 2020
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When describing a man who is fat, ginger and called kallum who is also most likely to eat a person.
by Joul_Loves October 5, 2023
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The correct spelling of when someone makes an error typing something into a phone. Often misspelled fat finger.
Clutzrisa accidentally fat gingered Dave a text message asking him to fmu! In response to him accidentally taking woody pills. When she meant tmi!
by Rathmagar March 10, 2023
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a fat orange nigga who is into spanish lettuce porn
yo that fat orange nigga paige makes me wanna drink some milk on god
“fat nigga ginger paige fromkin
by February 2, 2022
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