Where delionns('08 ers)come from.
by LeeAnn February 25, 2005
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The act of eating your lunch while taking a crap.
Guy 1: "you coming to lunch with us at Chilies?"
Guy 2: "no, I gotta take a dump. I'm just gonna have a Bakersfield Picnic."
by P. Gunn October 2, 2013
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During anal sex when the receiving person is not clean and shits on the penetrating person’s penis.

When the penetrating person’s penis is caked or covered in shit after fucking a dirty hole.
Manuel: “How did your Grindr hookup go?”
Louis: “It started well but after 10 minutes or so, he gave me a Bakersfield Special. We needed to stop because there was shit everywhere.”
Manuel: “gross”

Louis “Did you douche before your hookup?”
Manuel: “Of course I did. I don’t want to give anyone a Bakersfield Special.”
by TheBlackPearl March 28, 2022
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similar to a cleveland steamer, except the person pooping has to have a lot of corn in their stool.
nick "the dirty dick" gave jen a bakersfield chalupa on her face. as she gasped for air, all jen could say was, "mmm...i love hot corn".
by t-bags mcgillan November 26, 2006
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verb. Popularized by The Phil Hendrie Show. The act of ripping someone a new one (or removing an old one) as in the incident where two chimps got loose from their cage at a Bakersfield CA chimp sanctuary and severely attacked a man in front of his wife while visiting an their old pet chimp on his birthday.
If this line doesn't get moving faster, I'm going to go Bakersfield chimp on that grocery clerk.
by smackie August 5, 2005
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When one takes a dump on a passed out woman's chest after coitus. Much like the infamous Cleveland Steamer, except with the Bakersfield Chalupa, there is a lot of corn in the mix.
Man, I ate six ears of silver queen last night and ended up laying down a nice Bakersfield Chalupa on Candy's chest after a very zesty session.
by colonel hogan August 18, 2006
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when a girl or guy is skinny except for their belly where it is bulging out over their pants. not sexy, and makes pants fall down very easily.
guy 1: "damn that girl is hott!"
guy 2: "yeah but she's got the Bakersfield Bulge gong on..."
by castaway97116 December 11, 2010
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