1. When referring to a person, beast status is achieved when the aforementioned person is so good at a certain skill that they have exceeded human comprehension, thus making them non-human.

2. When referring to a place, beast status is achieved when the aforementioned place is superior to other places that are somewhat similar to it (usually based upon the vote of the majority or common fact).

3. When referring to a thing, beast status is achieved when the aforementioned thing is superior to anything else (usually a matter of opinion).
1. "Did you see how many medals Michael Phelps got? He's such a beast."

2. (person 1) "Dude, why go to King's Island when we could go to Cedar Point?"

(person 2) "Because I like King's Island."

(person 1) "Fuck you, Cedar Point is beast."

3. (person 1) "Mmm. Key-lime pie is so beast."

(person 2) "True, but it isn't as beast as banana pudding."
by White Manfro August 17, 2008
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1. (n) Person who is good at something 2. (v) act of being really good at something 3. (adj)Beastly- describing something cool or really good
1. (n) "Man, that dude is a beast at football"
2. (v) "Hey, she beasts at basketball!"
3. (adj) "That song is beastly, dude!"

by $$ Alex $$ June 3, 2007
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v: to completely dominate, usually in a very physical and violent manner
Keith and Jeff wouldn't shut their mouths, so they got beasted by Aaron
by ATCarter June 11, 2007
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An insane man that you can usually find in your high school. This man's powers will usually remain dormant until he drinks hydrogen peroxide. From there his powers will unleash and come into full effect! His name will become legend all around school, his powers only increase as time goes on! He will become so powerful that he will attract followers from all around. This man has been known to grant some of his powers to worthy individuals but not often! The beast is all, the beast is one!
"hey, have you seen The Beast lately?"
"I am one with The Beast"
"Do you know our lord and savior, The Beast?"
"May The Beast's powers be with you!"
by vimb April 25, 2019
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1. a variation of the word beast. Commonly affiliated with a dominance of either
physical or mental power over an inferior individual or object. i have to use at least 3 lines, so i have fulfilled that requirement
1. "I beasted on that guy in shuffleboard"
2. "I beasted on that pickle jar"
beast on

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Beasted is a word annoying little squeaker fucks use in call of duty when they absolutely destroy you.
by Grass Under the Sea February 1, 2019
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