"leet"="elite" minus "e"

Most commonly used to describe a skilful gamer or clan on online games.

1337 is the complete opposite of n00b

Somebody who is truly 1337 will be told by others, the actions of a true 1337 player will let everyone know they're 1337, so they will not have to tell you, anybody who feels the need to say they're 1337 clearly removes any kind of 1337ness they may have held, they infact become a n00b.
1337 players will pwn (own) everybody not just n00bs, you really don't have to be 1337 to pwn a n00b.

Ways to identify 1337 players:
People who pwn (own) everybody else in the game
People who are good at what they do
People who don't claim to be 1337
Players that pwn n00bs in incredibly skilled or funny ways

*note objects can also be referred to as 1337

"This website pwns, the webmaster must be 1337"

"I just got pwned - this guy's 1337"

"This donkey is 1337"

N00b:"My clan is 1337"

N00b:"I'm f**king 1337 mate, I'll pwn you!"
by <-Spoony Man-> January 31, 2006
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When one feels particularly gay, one screams out at the top of their voice: "I 1337! lol lol, you all pwned, lol lol!" like a 12 year old girl, whilst pointing frantically at each and every person around them to confirm one's superiority.
I good h4xor ! win c0unt3r5trik3! you all sux0rz! I 1337! You all pwned! (pointing at everyone frantically as one speaks like David Brent does in his office dance)
by C0ke June 6, 2004
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A slang internet language mostly used by gamers to confuse other players. It is a series of numbers and symbols derived from the English language in a way that it looks similar to the letter it represents.

There are many different varieties of it from just a few numbers to "hardcore 1337" also known as 31337.
1. mango_tango263: 1 4|\/| 50 1337 |\|00|\|3 \/\/111 3\/312 |_||\||)312574|\||) |\/|3.

Hardcor3_1337: \/\/|-|47(|-||_| 741|<1|\| |30|_|7 \/\/11115?

2. 1F Y0U (4N R34D 7H15 Y0U B451C411Y UND3R574ND 17.
by Dragon_slayer1337 June 25, 2010
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pronounced leet, often in reference to the word elite, strangely derived from the year 1337 when the Muslims were finally able to defeat the Bizantine empire. They were truely the first 1337 kr3W h4x025
The uber army is 1337.
by norbert April 10, 2003
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1337 or leet is shortened form of 31337 or eleet. It is from a commonly known language today called 1337-speak or leet-speak. It originated from the Dead Cow Cult (31337) was the UDP port for Back Orifice. Now it is a language amongst teenage internet gamers, script-kiddies, and the like who really cant understand its out of date and to move on and try to crack a real encryption.
1337-speak: j00d i wtfpwn 4ll n00bz.

anyone with more than two brain cells: go get laid man.
by krome299 July 28, 2006
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A: 4 or l\ or ^ or @ or /\ or /-\
B. l3 or 8 or ß or 3 or l:
C: ( or < or © or ¢
D: l) or l> or )
E:3 or £
F: l= or # or ƒ
G:6 or 9
H: # or l-l or (-) or !-! or }-{ or }{ or l+l or )+( or !+! or }+{
I: !
L: 1 or
J: _l or _/
K: l< or l( or l{ or l<=
L: l_ or ! or 1
M: l\/l or /\/\ or l\l\ or ^^
N: l/l or /\/
O: 0 or () or <> or * or ø or Ó or °
P: l* or l> or |D or l^ or l+
Q:& or (\) or ¶
R: l2 or ®
S: 5 or $ or §
T:+ or 7
U: l_l or /_/
V: \/
W:|/\| or \/\/ or |/\/ or \/\|
X: >< or }{ or :-:
Y: ¥
Z: 2
! /-\/\/\ 7-3 /\/\0$7 1337 }-{/-\><0|2
(i am the most leet haxor)

|)3$7|20¥3|2 |D0/\/2
(destoryer pwnz)

get it?
by matt blanke January 24, 2007
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1)The melting point of gold in kelvins.
2)The |-|4><0r language.
3)One who is skilled at hacking and/or mind numbing mmorpgs.
2)Jim can speak 1337.
3)Jane is 1337 at Everquest.
by 31337 man February 20, 2006
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