14 definitions by norbert

n. the act of transposing letters in ones mind then speaking/writting these letters incorrecting
god i think i'm lisdexic
by norbert April 13, 2003
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An all-round top-notch kinda guy.

With a big head.
Glen Murphy is better than me.
by norbert October 4, 2004
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1. A device that uses crystals and wire to pick up a signal sent through packs of waves through the air to produce sound
2.a box that plays shitty music
1. in electronics class we had to make a radio
2. that cd sounds just like the radio
by norbert April 13, 2003
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an imagined reference created by man. can be extended by blocking ones senses. and yes this is true for time is only your own perception and therefore is altered
I was having an orgasm and time ceased to exist
by norbert April 13, 2003
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very simliar similiar to karma
Oh no that's bad foogoo!
by norbert April 13, 2003
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pronounced leet, often in reference to the word elite, strangely derived from the year 1337 when the Muslims were finally able to defeat the Bizantine empire. They were truely the first 1337 kr3W h4x025
The uber army is 1337.
by norbert April 10, 2003
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a person from the cold ass state of Alaska
Let's go to alaska and spear some seals with the igloo niggers
by norbert May 29, 2004
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