bunch of crazies who happen to be in a discord server together
Hey did you go to the Psycho Smurfs meetup?
by starr7 May 14, 2022
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An engorging penis.
"Stop talking dirty like that or I'm gunna poppa smurf."
by Whoa Nebster November 17, 2018
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When I black guy spraypaints you blue on Bushwick ave.
I was trying to buy a bike on Bushwick but my dick got smurffed blue by a black dude in the bush.
by October 19, 2020
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a person who blows smurfs or someone i do not like
someone who likes big blue smurf cock
You Smurf blower
by anananon February 18, 2015
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Smurf spit is when you get blue food coloring dye and drip it down the hole of your penis. Then you jack off and cum and it's blue. Hence smurf spit.
Damn, Jacob dripped a little to much, his smurf spit was really blue.
by EconomyHFX September 27, 2015
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Smurfed, having caught a sexually transmitted disease after drinking fireball at packers
She went to the bar, met a guy and caught a purple cunt smurf
by Assilemann November 24, 2015
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1. A rainbow-striped flying unicorn

2. An obnoxious person or persons

3. A word to say when something indescribable happens ie; a double rainbow.
1. Hey man have you seen my Shmigal-smurf fluffy anywhere?

2. Wow, look at those Shmigal-smurves they are annoying

3. You won a million dollars. SHMIGAL-SMURF!!!!!
by Beefcake McLovin April 3, 2011
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