a vagina so vast it takes on the appearance of a donkey yawning.
that girl i shagged last night had cunt like a donkeys yawn!
by joe t July 27, 2005
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When one begins to feel awkward around a group of people and gives a little yawn when approaching the group possibly as an effort to pass time. For example, when you walk on to an elavator with a group of random people. 8 person parties. random car rides.
That guy in the car totally gave the awkward yawn earlier.
by Kyle McDouche July 2, 2009
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: a voluntary wide open spreading of the buttocks.
"As we laid in bed, flush with satisfaction, I reached around her and slowly gave her an ass-yawn."
by p-ram December 4, 2006
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A person who starts the contagious human condition called yawning. A small feeling of power ensues, much like that of a pimp, because you made other people yawn around you.
Bro 1: "I got four other people to yawn after me in Calc!"
Bro 2: "Dude, you be one major yawn pimp"
by Pcrosdown February 23, 2009
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suzie left her technicolor yawn schrapnel all over the men's stall.
by skank January 12, 2003
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Euphamistic expression for an uncommonly colorful and forceful bout of projectile vomit.
After drinking 6 Tequeila Sunrises and eating a large Chef Salad, Al painted the car with his technicolor yawn.
by Al Caholic March 10, 2005
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