#1: yo are you touched off that splee?
#2: yea yo im fuckin touched
by -[omar]- September 24, 2006
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A person that is sexual molested in high school, moves away to another city and gets a buzz cut.
John: Why does Dan always have a buzz cut whenever he gets a hair cut.

Frank: I think he was touched back in Miami.
by Chino Grife May 29, 2009
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-Combination of a Tool and a Douche Bag

-Pronounced "Toosh"
Danny: What do you think about that guy?

Lundie: He's such a fucking Touche!
by Professor69 May 3, 2011
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Something so unique and indescribable that is seperate for every human being. This "touch" is often an uncanny skill or mere chance of luck at or involved with a specific event.
"I've lost my touch man, ain't got nothin' left."
by Mike October 3, 2004
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A derogatory term for someone who is both a tool and a douche.
Did you see Randy playing his acoustic guitar with roses on it? God, what a touche.
by graawwwwwrrrrr November 21, 2010
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Meaning awesome, hot, the best. Originating in the suburbs of Western Sydney, circa 2001.
Nathan says Tom’s phone voice is touch; it starts all formal and strong, then goes smouldery and alluring.
by CannaR December 13, 2019
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