When two kids get mad at each other and start telling each other to shut up. There's also "you're gay" wars too.
Me: Look at them; they're having a shut up war. Heh.
Kid 1: Shut up!
Kid 2: No, you shut up!
Kid 1: No, you shut up!
Kid 2: No, you shut up!
by spel itt rite June 21, 2006
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Just a crappy way of telling people to sometimes shut their piehole up
oh shut up dude you're talkative and stupid
by ImHell666 April 29, 2016
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When your homie be really saying some stupid shit, you pull out this term and he done for the day.
(Friend)- Man I really caught 3 bodies last night !
(Me)- Nah, shut up nigga, you tweakin’!
by Thatbignig46 May 7, 2018
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Something you should say to pathetic little sissies, and and drama queens who hide behind 'teh interweb' aka: email, chat rooms, AIM, LiveJournal, Blogs, forums, etc. - and fight their battles via the internet, because they're too chicken shit to deal with anyone in person. See pussy, wuss, loser and chicken shit.
Ok. ENOUGH with the fucking LiveJournal shit. You know where I live, so shut up and bring it!
by yougot0wn3d November 5, 2004
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What you say to someone named John when they are being loud and annoying

Best used by people with a deep voice.
John: (being very loud and annoying)

Good law abiding citizens: shut up John!!
by Big chungchung man February 12, 2019
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What to say to your fellow gang mates when smoking a fat blunt behind ESK.

You must always say this when you approach a fellow gang man, this will assert your dominance to the other gang man and make I'm look like a little wetty cuz
Gang Man1: Ayoo wagwan blud cuz I heard you been sayin shit fam
Gang Man2: Nah fam I wasn't saying shit ya get me fa-
Gang Man1: Ah safe fam
by plothicornboy123 October 12, 2017
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Phrase normally used when some dick says something stupid
at an irrelevant time, and/or say's a joke that isn't funny
in any way at all.
*in the middle of a silence*
James: Hey guys! Check this out!
John: Shut up Meg.
by haz98 August 17, 2012
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