A slang term for Speed, the drug. Used by street kids and the homeless.
Bum: "Hey man I'm jacked up on Mojo!"
by Sharon July 10, 2003
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mojo is something more then a swagg
this girl is my swagg but this gurl is my mojo
by jelly bean 09 August 4, 2009
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someone/something of total awesomeness and indifference
"dude, youre sooo mojo!"
by expederbie February 18, 2009
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a nickname
*first name Molly
*middle name Jordan
by MoJo April 29, 2004
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jive talk in urban american more often in New Orlens
black guy in coffe shop getting the waitress attention.....hey gimme some mo joe
by Dennis D. August 23, 2005
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An alcoholic beverage served to sailors in the Philippines, which is a concoction of all the different booze in the bar, mixed with fruit juices and ice, and comes in a big pitcher.
Sam: Man! This Mojo sure taste great, but I have killed most of this pitcher by myself and I don't feel a damned thing!

Dave: Oh yeah. Wait till you try and stand up to go take a leak.

Sam: Whoaooo! Holly Shit! Dude! I am totally fucking WASTED!!!
by popeye1369 October 31, 2010
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A super awesome chick that loves:
- a certain economics teacher named Patrick aka DLS
- Eric Banana
- eBay
- starfishes
- Darren Hayes
- vampires
- and many other sweet things

Also known as "LOTR ho", "My Zombie" and "DV".
Get your mojo on with Patrick.
by Panda April 7, 2005
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