When a man ejaculates with such force (usually from being pent up for a while) that the semen excreted is so powerful it looks like water coming out of a hose
I did a Hard Hoser to Hannah last night, Holy shit it was awesome
by Rionox January 24, 2023
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The water was turned off but Drew still took a dump and Patrick didn't want to be a Log Hoser so he peed outside.
by Coin Comedy July 28, 2011
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A naive university student who works at a greenhouse over the summer between semesters, unaware of what a 'hoser' is, thus causing all his friends to break out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
Dave R.: "I got a new nickname this summer, my boss calls me a garden hoser."

(Friends laugh)

Dave R.: "What? What's so funny?"
by marcuspolacus October 16, 2010
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A person who puts a group of people in tough situations. A person who sets an operation up for failure, day in and day out.
"Captain Hoser made the schedule, we are totally hosed."
by - Bambino July 5, 2015
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A stupid bitch that has no life and talks like a hillbilly.
Hey wanna head down to the river behind my ranch?
That's your apartment that's built next to the river, scrub hoser
by x15x November 24, 2015
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(noun): a hooka bong with two hoses for two people to smoke at the same time
Yo, hit this double hoser with me.
by Jack_123 November 6, 2006
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A Man That Likes To Play With His Big Hose.
Oh My Husband Is a Lucky Hoser
by Thiressh June 20, 2022
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