What Nintendo and Sony fanboys fear the most.
Teh GAYLO is sooooo overtrated!!!111
by Schuyler January 17, 2005
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"hey lets take the most perfect game in the world and totally change everything, dumb it down, ruin the storyline, and end it with a cliffhanger. WB did that with The Matrix and look how much money it made! We'll all be RICH!!!!"
by Dolemite January 17, 2005
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An overrated shitty game, very much like a regular 1st person shooter. Not revolutionary whatsoever, bad FPS, sucky graphics, kind of fun gameplay, but not really. Multi-player adds a little fun to it. Half-Life 2 owns Halo 2. Just to name a few things, HL2 is revolutionary, completely built-from-scratch engine, best physics engine around, best graphics of any game right now, unbelievable AI, and contains Counter-Strike: Source, which is 10x better than Halo 2. Received many Game of the Year awards, and a 9.8 on the game reviews - highest rating ever given to a computer game.
Halo 2 sucks big time, and I can argue about it so much and win.
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A very worthless and retarded game. Made for nerds with no life and fat peole who like to eat twinkees. There is apsolutely no skill to this game everyone cheats.
Halo 2 is a game for cheaters. No one is legit in this game.
by Frank Lee Dontgivadam April 27, 2006
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I have a French copy of this game. Without a doubt, it is the best game I have ever played in my entire life. There is a huge twist that will make you go "Woah! Forreal? SWEET!" and then you will blow a load in your pants.
Bob: Dude check this out, I bought a PS2!
Me: Cool! I have an Xbox!
Bob: *Immediatley kills self*
Me: *Plays Halo 2*
Me: *Blows massive load in pants*
by Halo 2 Owns Your Socks October 22, 2004
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A game for Xbox 360 which has become a severe addiction for anyone ages 11-30. Gamers usually spend most of their lives playing instead of going out, dating girls or guys, etc. Usually the base of teenage gamer's lifes, basing the mood their in that day on if they ranked their level up or down. Some players are whiney 11 year olds who loose 50 - 2 then try and get the skilled players banned for "modding" even tho their lose is cause they suck. Most players are legit, although some do mod. Most players and "hardcore" gamers hit puberity yearss after they should because of this. Overall, a desiease which can only be stopped by puberity and maturity.
Hey John manhunt tonight you in?
*shrivels and hisses* NO!
Why not?
We're ranking in halo 2 tonightt.. my precious level..
...John you havent been outside for three weeks!
by OvrrjoyedELF September 3, 2006
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