An incredibly disgusting way to lick pussy. It implies that the "licker" is eating the girl out while she's menstruating.

Yummy, huh?
Hahaha, no way. You got him to firefox you?! OWNED.
by K_i_t_t_y_K_a_t_ May 8, 2007
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A good-looking redhead. A fox, hottie or general all-round babe who is part of the 1% of the population of 'Fire' haired persons, who can pull it off with style.
Dude 1: Damn, I wish they just refused ginger kids from this school!

Dude 2: Yeah! But not Tracey though, she's a Firefox!

by OutOfTowner January 26, 2009
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Really bad Clint Eastwood movie from 1982. It's basically Hunt for Red October but worse in every conceivable way. Features Eastwood as a US Military deserter with crippling PTSD, who the brass decide is the best guy for an extremely sensitive mission into the Soviet Union.
Guy 1: Hey have you seen Firefox?
Guy 2: What? You mean the web browser?
Guy 1: No, the shitty Cold War movie.
Guy 2: No. Sounds bad.
by Cathode Misfit November 27, 2017
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Verb. To knowingly have unprotected sex with an unknowing partner while having a genital herpes outbreak.
"Dude, did you hear that John firefoxed Kathy last night?"
"Damn that's gonna suck when she finds out."
by bah12 November 2, 2009
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'mozarella firecrocs' as i like to call it.
Karin: Go to Mozilla Firefox for me please.
Sandra:Say what...? Oh shit, you mean Mozarella Firecrocs...! Hahahaha.
by H.R. Puff n' Stuff September 5, 2005
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To rapidly increase the main version number(X.0.0) of a software without implementing anything of value.
Hey mikey, we should firefox the shit out of this accounting software to increase sales.
by Echuu March 12, 2012
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a browser that became full of shit, it is the default browser on GNU/Linux, although a much more private browser is Librewolf
1: Fuck FIrefox
2: All my homies use the Kiddle Browser
by Milkiekid March 3, 2021
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