4 definitions by Cathode Misfit

Literally the worst brand of vodka ever, purchased only by the very desperate. The bottles are thrown immediately into the ditch on the side of the road after being chugged, to such an extent that they will make up a major part of the fossil record in most rural areas. Like what meth would be if it were alcohol.
"You're drinking Crystal Palace? Why not just huff glue?"
by Cathode Misfit October 27, 2017
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Really bad Clint Eastwood movie from 1982. It's basically Hunt for Red October but worse in every conceivable way. Features Eastwood as a US Military deserter with crippling PTSD, who the brass decide is the best guy for an extremely sensitive mission into the Soviet Union.
Guy 1: Hey have you seen Firefox?
Guy 2: What? You mean the web browser?
Guy 1: No, the shitty Cold War movie.
Guy 2: No. Sounds bad.
by Cathode Misfit November 27, 2017
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The part of the US state of California that most votes and behaves like Alabama. Mostly consisting of northern and eastern rural regions, as full of hill people, cousin lovin' , fake farmers and meth as the darkest part of the Deep South.
Mark: how's living in California? Are you gay yet?

Mike: have you even been to Calibama? It's not the way they show it in movies
by Cathode Misfit July 26, 2019
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A type of Chinese "wine" that has 49% alcohol by volume, tastes like ants and will kick your ass through the wall
Person A: I'm hungover from drinking too much Mei Kuei Lu Chiew

Person B: Why though? It's disgusting and it's not even cheap.
by Cathode Misfit February 28, 2018
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