The TV repair man enters the room with this tool belt hanging loose, the music starts...BAUM CHICKA BAUM BAUM
by Annihalation November 9, 2007
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A phrase from the Lynx advert
Usually used by girls to describe a guy's hotness
or by men to describe a girl's hotness.
sometimes accompanied with a dance
Girl: Woah! Look at that fitty! BOOM-CHICKA-WAH-WAH!!
*sways hips*

Guy: hmmmm... oo-er!
by sazzles May 26, 2007
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The act of two or more members of the feline family engaging in sexual activities. Can also refer to sexual activities with people where one or more members are dressed as, or have nicknames like a cat.
Tony and Denise couldn't wait to get it on, so they kept their Cats makeup on after the rehearsal and went at it in the back room! Bow-chicka-meow-meow!
by Krampus X June 6, 2010
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The new catchphrase for Lynx body spray. Often repeated by spotty teenagers trying to be funny
Paul: Hey do you see that hot chick there?

Steve: Bom chicka wah wah!
by Booey March 23, 2007
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1. Relating to something sexual, as in banging someone.

2. Something generally good or cool.
1. guy 1 "Dude I banged her real good!"
guy 2 "Bam chicka wao wao!"
2. guy 1 "I just got a mustang, bitch!"
guy 2 "Bam chicka wao wao!"
by Pyrosity April 18, 2005
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A sexual practice, one partner takes a shit on the others stomach (Boom) the male partner then slaps the penis in the shit (Chicka) before proceeding to rub the penis under their partners nose (Wah Wah)
I had to shower after my ex-boyfriend decided to Boom Chicka Wah Wah
by Kim Mitten March 24, 2007
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Tattooed "woman" that thinks she is sexy even though she has manly tattoos, drinks beer like a man and curses like a sailor.
Look at Sue over there.
She was hot until she tatted up.
No she wasn't! She drinks like a fish and is always swearing. The tats just add skank to her resume.
Yep, a Bow Chicka Wow Skank!
by Heather Ray December 9, 2010
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