a vagina that is very wet, reasonably tight, and has its own distinct odor (not usually bad)
I haven't really encountered anyone like Amy before, she had a really zesty pussy.
by wutup g March 23, 2010
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When you drown your balls in Thousand Island Dressing and dip it into someone's mouth.
Dude I totally Zesty Beaned your mom last night!
by Zesty.Beans December 7, 2016
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when faggots decide to get freaky and attach a pocket pussy into their faggot anal sessions
yo bro those faggots have definitely done some zesty penetration
by we hate all faggots August 3, 2023
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A fart that is a combination of hotdogs and greasy eggs
Mr. Parcheesy had a zesty vanfectman in bed.
by Nolan March 19, 2005
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being a one of zesty qualities that smells of farts
yo my broski ur a zesty fart today aren’t ya?
by jamessdeadd March 18, 2022
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a pickle with a tang.
"dang that is spicy! try that zesty pickle!"
by RQWikfrfjwe January 22, 2009
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