When a chick is giving you a handjob, and she's twisting her hands as she goes up and down, she accidentally twists the wrong way and gives your dick an indian burn.
I was having a blast with Marcy but then she gave me a redman's revenge. I've been icing my crotch for a week.
by Brian H October 26, 2005
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Making them regret how they treated you by absolutely bettering yourself and working out. Can also mean going on a rampage of being a villain.
Woah did you see that guys revenge arc, he has changed so much.
by Salad man3 June 5, 2022
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The morning after results of a very spicy curry (suggestion = put your toilet rolls in the fridge for the next day) see rusty water and ring sting
John had severe ghandi's revenge the day after his curry munching.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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Revenge counter is a magical ablitiy from the anime series 7 deadly sins used by the charcter Meliodas, Revenge counter is when you must disable your other magical abilties to take damage from your enemies, you store all their magical abblities and when the time is right you unleash all their attacks at the same time but double or even triple or even 30 times more powerful,
by Undercoveragent11 August 27, 2019
After a bad break up, to take a huge shit in your lover's toilet & not flush just before abruptly moving out when they're not home.
Jack: "Man, Lisa moved out when I was at work last night. I know I cheated on her but she didn't have to get all 'revenge of the turd on my ass'. Took me 3 flushes! It's on now!"
by Urban_Baby_101 January 27, 2014
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An internet slang, which is a common title in many sh*tpost-like videos involving the video-game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Examples of Revengeance status are well known in meme culture such as Raiden punching Armstrong and THERE WILL BE BLOODSHED.
That Revengeance status video got me laughing so much!
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Revenge era: My chemical Romance prime time around 2004-2006. Usually referred to the time during the recording of "Three cheers for sweet revenge". Also known for their aesthetic involving ; blood,coffins,red eyeliner etc.
Revenge era was the best era, I love the aesthetic.
by Mya4ever February 29, 2016
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